Need export shipping advice to Japan?

Here are specific shipping and logistics export tips for entering the Japanese market from an experienced shipping company.
  1. Proper and appropriate use of the Japanese language is critical to success.
    Export shipping advice - DGX blogCommunicating properly in Japanese is essential to connecting with local business partners and their target consumers in both person-to-person communications as well as promotional materials. If, for instance, you want to move the import process along quickly and successfully, you must make sure product labeling and requirements are written in proper Japanese language and abide by government regulations.

    Being respectful of the Japanese culture is a fundamental requirement for companies wanting to build a trusting relationship with their Japanese partners. The Japanese society is complex in nature--including unwavering respect for age, both hierarchical and group-oriented.  In addition to delivering high quality products and services expediently, be prepared to invest the time necessary to build long-term relationships with your Japanese partners.

  2. It’s important to have an understanding of import procedures and formalities.
    When exporting to Japan, documentation and procedures are critical. Notably:

      Successful exporting to Japan - DGX blog
    • Shipping and import formalities start with the lodging of an import declaration and end with the issuance of an import permit after the necessary examination and payment of Customs duty and excise tax.

    • Any person wishing to import goods must declare them to the Director-General of Customs and obtain an import permit after the necessary examination of the goods.

    • Correct packing, proper marking and labeling are critical to a smooth customs clearance in Japan, as noted above.

    • The value of working with an experienced freight forwarder and customs specialists will save time, money and stress; and help assure success from the beginning.

  3. Shipping documents are required for customs clearance in Japan.
    Export shipping advice - DGX blogShipping documents include standard shipping documents—a commercial invoice and a packing list—as well as an original, signed bill of lading or air waybill, if shipped by air.

    Each line item on the commercial invoice should be as descriptive as possible, and the packing list should include detailed contents and measurements of each container, including the gross and net weights of each package or pallet. And finally, the Japanese Measurement Law requires that all weights and measures on a packing list be in Metric System values.

Today, DGX and our customers are all facing extremely challenging pandemic-caused issues. We are being called upon like never before to support new and loyal customers with their supply chain needs. 

If you want to begin an export business to Japan, please contact our DGX customer service team to get competitive rate quotes and help with the entire process by reaching out to your local office or calling toll free 1-800-488-4888. We offer full-service international ocean, plus domestic and global air freight shipping and logistics services, and have been doing so for over 20 years.

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