What are air shipping freight rules to Australia?

DGX Shipping to AustraliaWhether you’re shipping one order per year or managing an entire supply chain of goods from the USA to Australia, there are required customs rules and regulations specific to Australia that must be followed. For example:
  • All shipments must abide by the US Free Trade Agreement (AUSFTA)
  • All shipments with solid wood packaging materials such as pallets, crates, shipping materials, dunnage, etc., must be properly stamped with ISPM 15 compliance markings.
Be sure the international freight forwarder you select has the expertise to make sure your shipment complies to all Australian shipping nuances.

Additionally, here are some of the benefits of air freight shipping to Australia:
  • Air shipping will move your cargo in hours vs. days, weeks, or even months compared to ocean shipping. Almost all major airlines today utilize modern, efficient aircraft fleets to carry passengers and air cargo over long hauls around the globe, with Australia being one of those key long-haul destinations.
  • Air shipping is also more likely to be on time due to air freight's networks and daily flight schedules.
  • Another benefit – unlike the perils of sea freight shipping, shipping by air is one of the safest modes of transportation today.
You will be happy to know air shipping to Australia is really quite simple. DGX - Dependable Global Express is an experienced, customer-service focused international freight forwarder that will responsibility to engage in navigating all aspects of the shipping rules. If you consider us, all of your freight forwarding and logistics details will be covered.

Contact us today or get a free online rate quote here.

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